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Friday, April 29, 2011

Turning One

We celebrated my sons birthday yesterday, he turned one year old. We let him open the presents from the family and have some fun with the paper. It was so cute and I think he is ready to go for his party on Saturday.
My Premier Designs jewelry business is also about to turn one year old. I have realized in the last few days that the more I am hope with and around Breck, his development sky rockets. Not that he is slow or delayed at all, I think they just respond better to family rather than an outside source.
I realize too that I need more consultants in different parts of the state and country to help me. I need to just figure out how to contact more people and find people willing to be a hostess. I mean the hostess plan is so awesome! 30% of the total sales in free jewelry, up to 8 items half off and 4, $25 incentives for up to another $100 in free jewelry.
I am throwing around the idea of driving around with a magnet on my car...what do you think? Good idea or not? I love to hear from others and am open to any and all ideas. :-)
This business is definatly a great business that I will do forever. I am hoping to add 7-10 people to my team by the end of May! Tell everyone you know who needs extra money to get in contact with me. I am here to help!
OK, see you all later. I am off to get things done before the big birthday boys party tomorrow.
Unitl next time...God Bless us all!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Things are going great!

After a great home show and a ton of referrals rolling in, things are really looking up! If you are on your way to being a stay at home mom and still contributing to your household, you should really consider Premier Designs! Doing the fashion and showing the ladies all of the different things that can be done with the jewelry is really fun but it also draws the ladies in and they really enjoy it!
I am shooting for 15 shows in May.  I know I will be very busy but it will give me the money I need to get a lot taken care of and enable me to be home with my son!
Dont forget, I too, am still working a full time job and doing my Premier Designs Jewelry business on the side while being a wife and mom so I understand when people say I am too busy. I just say, put the time and effort in now so in time, you will be home with your kid or kids and being so grateful of the sacrifices you made!
I know it is hard to juggle working at home with the kids and naps and cleaning and everything else but just know, God is watching and soon, very soon, your dream will be coming true, just like mine!
We have family coming into town over the next few days and of course my sons 1st birthday tomorrow and his party on Saturday so hectic it will be.  I will keep you posted as things unfold more and more and until next time, God bless!

Monday, April 25, 2011


Well it was a busy and hectic day but it looks like we are going to be in good shape once I stay home. We checked over the insurance and we will actually be saving about $50 more dollars a month by switching over to my husbands benefits! Score!
Also with all of this extra attention on my business, it is blossoming more and more each day! Tomorrow is a big show and I am hoping for extra sales with mothers day around the corner! Keep praying, it is working!
My advise is to make progress each and every day. Evaluate every avenue and count every penny and every dollar, they are hiding everywhere and they add up fast.
Also, keep your eyes out for those small blessings that are hiding around every corner! I hope someone else on the same journey finds this helpful and maybe I will learn something from another mom on the same quest!

Until next time, keep praying please. :-)

It pays to ask questions...

I called the insurance company to let them know of the vehicle change.  Luckily we reduce our insurance payments and once I start staying home, they will go down more, in fact, the other vehicle will go down as well because the car will turn into the transportation for my husband and I will have the other one. It really helped that I communicated that with the lady from our insurance office.  It really does pay to ask questions!
Each day our plans seem to fall into place more and more!
An easy sacrifice to make is to bring your lunch and drink water. Its free and you can pack a healthy lunch for a lot less and maybe get healthier for your family at the same time.
Since I started this journey with my husband and son just over a week ago, its really fun to wake up and see how much farther we are getting each day.  It certainly isnt happening overnight but its happening.
Have a great day everyone and keep us asspiring stay at home moms and those that are already at home in your prayers. The kids of the world are better because of it.  Say a prayer for those working and wonderful dads as well for making it all happen!

Until next time...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

I hope everyone had a very Happy Easter! We drove to Santa Fe to visit my Grandmas grave and of course it was sad but I was proud and happy to be close enough to do those things.
Easter was fun for my little guy as well.  He loved the Cherrios and Gerber graduates that I put inside, in leiu of candy of course. Although he did get a taste of cotton candy and luckily he didnt like it.
Days like this remind me how hard I am willing to work to spend more time with my son, wonderful husband and my mom and extended family.
I am excited to drop off my catalog shows and pray they are great! I have a big home show on Tuesday as well that I am really looking forward to! Cross your fingers for me everyone. I need your support and prayers behind me as well to get me to my goal of stay at home mom and full time jewelry lady!

Until next time. God bless and good night.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

New Car

Ah, I am exhausted but after much consideration and number crunching, we have purchased a sedan. It was hard to part with my beloved Tahoe but considering what will be saved in payment, gas and insurance, it was a good idea.  We are also one step closer to me being able to stay home with my son!
I also acquired some new jewelry customers and since my jewelry business will be paying my car payment and insurance, it was fitting.
All in all, I am happy with the decision and the purchase. Funny thing, while we were looking at and driving other cars, I kept saying "I'd really like a Chevy", its funny how God hears and answers.
I think our timing was perfect and again that saying about everything happening in Gods time is true. I think things are really starting to fall more and more into place. I might just be able to meet my deadline. Keep praying. Thank you all!
Until next time, good night.

Friday, April 22, 2011

My horoscope for the month...

It reads...Distant horizons still tempt, and your philosophy of life needs fine-tuning.  After the 15th, you finally grasp that your skills and qualities can really make an impact, boosting your public profile.  Job fortune beckons; all you need now is commitment, diligence, and, mostimportant, some selflessness.

With that said, I am going for a goal of 12 booked and held home shows for the month of May to get me started in my journey and when I throw that money at my husband he will know I mean business. My family comes first along with God and all other has to come second! I will be a stay at home mom!! Mark my words!

Discovering new options

We may have decided on a car but not sure. Getting 28mpg is a lot better than the Tahoe. We also know the benefits can be moved over and also that our child care reimbursement accounts can be turned off. I think we are certainly making progress by the day!
I have my 60+ names of people to call to book shows and I am praying my efforts pay off. Being home with my son is so important to me and coming to the realization that I think it is actually cosing me to come to work that doesnt even guarentee that I will receive a paycheck. Looking back, taking this job has given me a lot more flexibility but I took a huge paycut and agreed to the job after being told I would make more than I was making. As much as I know I got taken, I think it was Gods way of showing us that we really can live on less and still be super happy and fulfilled.  Dont get me wrong, living off a $150 for a week is really hard especially when you drive a gas guzzler and live so 44 miles round trip away from work.  It has also helped though. We cook homemade meals every night, I have planted a garden that is sprouting some yummy fruits and veggies and with the use of coupons, we are able to really save at the grocery store.
My son is still in diapers and that is a big expense but he has moved on to Horizon Organic whole milk that is about $4 per half gallon and about 1/3 the cost of the Similac Go n'Grow formula.
I think with every passing day, we are getting closer and closer. Please pray for my Premier Designs business to prosper and grow so I can be home with my little guy.
I hope that other moms that long to stay home with their kids read this and know there is hope! A business like Premier makes it possible and with the support of the other ladies and the shows that get you out of the house and around adults is truely amazing and thearapeutic.  If you think you could be a jewelry lady and it would help you stay home and make some good money, I am ready to help you. Leave me a message with your email. :-) God Bless all moms and dads that sacrifice for the benefit of the kids!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My decision to be a stay at home mom and full time jewelry lady...

At the beginning of the week, this week.  The week prior to my son turning one, it hit me! I had been wrestling for about a week with the fact that my son was turning one and I still wasnt a stay at home mom.  I had made changes in my career path that made it a bit better but it still didnt get me home with my son. I had also started a Premier Designs jewelry business and in the last few months really had it going nicely.
On this day driving into work in my oh so cherished Chevrolet Tahoe.  It has everything and up until this day, I planned to drive it forever! I love this vehicle. However on this day it was like God himself spoke to me telling me to get rid of it and get a car. This would help us save on the ever rising gas prices, insurance and of course, the payment.  That day I called my husband and told him, lets start looking for a car. I am ready to make whatever sacrifices I have to, I want to be a stay home mom and full time jewelry lady by my birthday this year.  That day is July 26.  My husband immediately agreed and said it might be hard to do but lets start looking at cars. Three days later, I think we found one.
I shared my plan with my Premier ladies and of course they rallied around me offering help where they could. I also started booking more shows and reaching out to everyone to help me. I know I need help.
My husband and I figured out exactly where we will save by me staying home. No baby sitter, less on gas with him driving the car, all of our options and of course the amount of money I need to make to cover the gap.
I spent about an hour on the phone with Ashley, who has become like a sister to me over the past few weeks and we figured out exactly how many homeshows I needed to do to sustain and I got off that phonecall looking so forward to the future.
That day I ended up meeting people that are really going to help me and people are jumping to help me with my business by having shows. I really do think this is all going to work out just fine and as things progress I will keep you posted.