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Thursday, April 21, 2011

My decision to be a stay at home mom and full time jewelry lady...

At the beginning of the week, this week.  The week prior to my son turning one, it hit me! I had been wrestling for about a week with the fact that my son was turning one and I still wasnt a stay at home mom.  I had made changes in my career path that made it a bit better but it still didnt get me home with my son. I had also started a Premier Designs jewelry business and in the last few months really had it going nicely.
On this day driving into work in my oh so cherished Chevrolet Tahoe.  It has everything and up until this day, I planned to drive it forever! I love this vehicle. However on this day it was like God himself spoke to me telling me to get rid of it and get a car. This would help us save on the ever rising gas prices, insurance and of course, the payment.  That day I called my husband and told him, lets start looking for a car. I am ready to make whatever sacrifices I have to, I want to be a stay home mom and full time jewelry lady by my birthday this year.  That day is July 26.  My husband immediately agreed and said it might be hard to do but lets start looking at cars. Three days later, I think we found one.
I shared my plan with my Premier ladies and of course they rallied around me offering help where they could. I also started booking more shows and reaching out to everyone to help me. I know I need help.
My husband and I figured out exactly where we will save by me staying home. No baby sitter, less on gas with him driving the car, all of our options and of course the amount of money I need to make to cover the gap.
I spent about an hour on the phone with Ashley, who has become like a sister to me over the past few weeks and we figured out exactly how many homeshows I needed to do to sustain and I got off that phonecall looking so forward to the future.
That day I ended up meeting people that are really going to help me and people are jumping to help me with my business by having shows. I really do think this is all going to work out just fine and as things progress I will keep you posted.

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