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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Black Friday "Bling Friday" and Small Business Saturday steals

Here are your Black Friday "Bling Friday" and Small Business Saturday steals and deals!

You will have to go to my old group page rather than my fan page because I could not get the video to post there but once you are there. Watch the short video that shows off the bling-keep a "WISH LIST" of what you like then call me to go shopping. You can also share your "WISH LIST" with me then have your friends and family contact me to get you something they know you will love!

Here are the specials:

Purchase $75 in jewelry and then select another item, up to $50 in value and pay just $5!!! No limits!

Then when you shop with me on Saturday and spend at least $25 and pay with your American Express card, they will credit you back $25! (You must register your AM EX card for this to work)

Here is the link:
Here is my phone number to call in your orders:
(505) 918-6505
I will be taking debit and credit as well as PayPal
Enjoy and Happy Holidays!!