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Monday, September 19, 2011

This is for all of the busy, working mommas out there!

After a very busy, but fun filled weekend, here we are at Monday again. The beginning of a new day, a new week, a new chance to make that change! So I ask, what are you doing to change your life? Are you ready to trust in God and take a leap of Faith? Have you thought about Premier? Do you have questions? Are you skeptical? Do you want that bigger vehicle or bigger house? Is it doable?
Those are all questions that went through my head before I started this business. The biggest one being, can I do it?  The answer is yes!!! I can do it and am doing it, while working full time and being a wife and mom with another one on the way!
If you are a husband reading this, call me or have your wife call me or email me. I am happy to answer those questions!
I love the Montessori school my son goes to and the social skills he is learning but being home with mommy and us saving on that expense is also priceless! If you could save the money on daycare and be home with the kids leaving more room and time in your schedule, you could do that 1-2 shows a week and make $1-2K a month, or more! Would that replace your paycheck?
My goal for the rest of the month is to talk to you and give you information to change your life! I want this opportunity to land in your lap and you take hold of it! I cant call you because I dont know who you are, I dont know what is on your heart. So you have to pick up the phone and call me or email me!
I want to share the business plan with you (20 minutes) and for your time, I will mail you a cute bracelet!!!
If you decide to become a jeweler, great! If not, that is just fine! I am here for you! Now or in the future.
You have nothing to loose and in return you will gain independance, friends, an amazing business and opportunity!

I will be posting recognition for those that call or email, if you choose. Also, for my new followers and those that leave messages! I love it all!

Until next time...God bless!!

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